Hamlin classrooms weave in a variety of technological tools to support the teaching and learning cycle.
1:1 iPad Program
At Hamlin, students are introduced to a 1:1 iPad environment beginning in Kindergarten and through to Grade 8. They are used to reinforce the basic, formative skills already taught through direct instruction.
Students also work individually, with partners, and in small groups to explore educational apps, create multimedia content, and communicate what they have learned. Hamlin teachers and students use iPads to:
Promote student-centered learning, engagement, inquiry, and exploration
Support the differentiated learning model
Expand assessment opportunities
Enhance critical thinking skills
Develop digital citizenship and media fluency
Allow for increased collaboration and group work
Refine personal organization skills
Foster creativity
Lower School students are introduced to a 1:1 iPad environment beginning in Kindergarten. Throughout Grades K-4, iPads are used to reinforce the basic, formative skills already taught through direct instruction. Students work individually, with partners, and in small groups to explore educational apps, create multimedia content, and communicate what they have learned. The iPads not only increase engagement in the classroom, but also generate a learning environment that is expanded, individualized, and inherently collaborative. During regularly scheduled iPad classes, Lower School students explore the meaning of the Hamlin Creed through a digital lens.
The Middle School uses a combination of the Blackbaud K-12 Learning Management System and Google Classroom to create a digital workflow that allows seamless collaboration between teachers and students. Students learn effective communication, collaboration, idea synthesis, presentation, research and digital citizenship skills. In addition, students deepen their critical thinking skills by exploring apps that teach coding.
Hamlin remains committed to reviewing educational apps that support differentiated instruction, discipline-specific content, and a variety of learning strategies.