Belonging & Well-being
At Hamlin, we believe that successful scholars are kind, connected human beings who emanate joy.
Knowing that holistic Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is not limited to any one class, or to just once a week, SEL is woven throughout our curriculum and centers on an anti-bias and anti-racist lens that nurtures self-compassion and radical empathy and promotes well-being and a sense of belonging. We believe that in order to successfully meet the challenges of our time, it is essential that we intentionally and continually investigate our own biases. The desired result is unlearning ways of being that are roadblocks to engaging in holistic and healthy ways. The only way we can effectively move toward this goal is together; learning, sharing, growing, and holding each other accountable, in community.
In that spirit, Hamlin intentionally infuses anti-bias learning and practice into all we do, and opportunities to celebrate and investigate the many layers of our identities are an integral part of our K-8 curriculum.